Background Checks

Get a Catfishing Background Check Today

Hire us to perform a criminal history background check in Fort Worth, TX

Finding the time, energy and resources to vet your prospective employees can be difficult. Luckily, First Class Private Investigation can perform criminal history background checks in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area.

We'll look for:

Court orders
Pending cases

With our help, you can focus on your operation while we see who is and isn't qualified to work at your business. Contact us today to arrange for a criminal history background check.

Does your online date seem too good to be true?

If you've been chatting with an online love interest but you're suspicious that they're not who they say they are, look to First Class Private Investigation for help. We understand that it's easier than ever before to fake an online personality. That's why we offer catfishing background checks in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area.

Our team will leave no stone unturned when investigating your match. You can count on us to cross-reference pictures, videos and names to see if you're in for love or heartbreak.

If you'd like us to do a catfishing background check on someone you met online, connect with us now to get started.