Investigative Services

Get Help Locating Your Loved One with Teen Runaway Locating

Turn to us for missing person investigative services in Fort Worth, TX

Has it been a while since you last heard from your elderly family member? Did your friend not come home from a night on the town? Don't panic - First Class Private Investigation can help find your loved one. We provide missing person investigative services in Fort Worth, TX and surrounding areas.

We'll be sure to...

Discuss your needs during a free consultation
Search their social media pages for information
Get in touch with their close contacts for an inside scoop
Run license plates and start surveillance stakeouts
Provide you with real-time information, pictures and videos

Don't let just anybody handle your investigation. Call our professionals now to arrange for missing person investigative services.

We'll bring your kid back home in one piece

Did you get in an argument with your temperamental teen and they took off? Choose us for teen runaway locating services in the Fort Worth, TX area. First Class Private Investigation can discover where they went and tell you their precise location. It doesn't matter if they're hiding out down the street or a few towns over, we'll find them in no time.

Contact us today to get teen runaway locating services.